Sysop News

Brand new approach to PRINCE2® Training

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

From October 3rd, Sysop will offer a unique approach to PRINCE2 training with not a single PowerPoint slide in sight!

Using practical exercises instead of the ubiquitous PowerPoint presentation, students will work through a series of facilitated and very logical case-studies which will enable them to understand PRINCE2 in a much more effective and practical way.

By the end of the course they will have developed a reference book crammed with the project templates that they have developed - an invaluable reference guide back in the workplace.

Sysop head of Training, Michelle Major-Goldsmith says: "We have always believed in delivering practical training that makes a real difference back at the ranch. The practical nature of PRINCE2 lends itself to learning by doing rather than learning by lecture. Learning is more effective when delegates can be ‘hands-on’ and enjoy themselves, some puzzles and games will be used as a highly valuable change of scene. I believe this format of course will prove hugely popular with students and managers alike".

Since the course contains no slides and uses such an innovative approach, delegates can be sure that the trainers who deliver our course are experts in how to explain the PRINCE2 method successfully.

Practical  Workshop

Our workshop is based on the principles of accelerated learning. People learn more effectively when:
• both their mind and body are involved in the learning experience
• they actively create knowledge, rather than passively store information
• there is collaboration between the learners
• learning events are activity-centred
• there is a good mix of moving and doing (kinesthetic learning), talking and hearing (auditory learning), observing and picturing (visual learning) and problem solving and reflecting (intellectual learning).


This workshop will encourage active learning by preparing students for the experience, using pre-course work and the first session of Day One. This involves arousing their curiosity, selling them the benefits of the learning, calming their fears and removing learning barriers, and getting them fully involved from the start.

It includes creating a positive physical environment; having a wall-chart of the agenda; getting them to contribute to the event ‘ground rules’; recording their objectives on the flipchart; and creating an open environment by discussing any fears or insecurities and (hopefully) removing them.

In addition, as used in standard PRINCE2 courses, sample exam papers will be used as a vehicle for exam preparation. 

We offer a one-week Combined Foundation & Practitioner course or, of course, these modules as separate events. Practitioners wishing to renew their accreditation may take the three-day re-registration module.

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